A comparison of Calligraphy: Arabs, China in addition to Japan

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A comparison of Calligraphy: Arabs, China in addition to Japan

Calligraphy is a specific art trend, which formed during centuries on the East. Indeed, this trend is natural for Asian countries, where writing traditions have preserved their importance till nowadays. This means that handwritten texts in these lands ought to be performed with proper intelligence and sense of calligraphy. At  書道 コンテスト  may be marked because of their strong adherence to longstanding culture of calligraphy Japan, China and Arabic states.
Chinese painting and calligraphy can be distinguished by their originality. It really is defined by Taoism, many followers which were artists. Calligraphy is not only the ability to write beautifully, but the art of allowing the master most fully express his individuality within traditions. When writing, the artists use "four treasures of the workshop": paper, brush, ink, and pumice. Ink by means of pulverized pumice sticks in a cup and is mixed with water. Density depends upon the intensity of the required colors - from light gray to dark-black, main color calligraphy. Paper absorbs ink easily, transferring the slightest shades of color and character. In China calligraphy and fine arts are much related fields. They are in line with the same conventional principles and, therefore, obtain mutual benefit? hieroglyphs usually look like small paintings, while canvases of Chinese artists maintain some inscriptions.

Japanese calligraphy has originated as a branch of Chinese writing. Japanese characters, in addition to the information, perform countless other tasks. A few brush motions of a calligrapher can capture a fleeting mood, rhyme leapt stanza within an enlightened consciousness and in an instant create an artistic object worthy of in-depth contemplation of several generations. So that you can study and execute Japanese calligraphy you need to have skills ?to write? in various styles, know the calligraphy history and theory, and traditionally get acquainted with Japanese national culture. The main thing that will require to be learned is that the characters, including the most complex contain a couple of very specific elements. There is absolutely no many of them, but each, in turn, consists of the principal components ? smaller features.